Crafton Hills College Hosts Transfer Center Meeting for Directors - Crafton Hills College-九州体育平台入口
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Publish Date: April 21, 2023

Directors meeting

Photo: Region 9 Transfer Center Directors Meeting.

On Mar 2, CHC hosted a Region 9: Inland Empire Community College Transfer Center Directors’ meeting along with several fouryear university partners from the CSU, UC, Independent Private Colleges and two outof- state partners, Arizona State University & Grand Canyon University. This was the first in-person event for this group since 2019.

The group discussed best practices to engage students and learned about upcoming changes to financial aid, in addition to receiving updates on increasing collaborative efforts between community colleges and 4-year universities. The meeting led to a discussion about the need to expose students to universities, especially in a post-COVID era. Field trips to 4-year institutions are one of the most impactful activities to promote transfer. However, transportation is expensive and most of the colleges in our area are not facilitating these trips for lack of resources. It was decided that collaborative efforts for 2023-2024 will center around sharing transportation costs among the Inland Empire CCCs and working with our 4-year partners to maximize our efforts. CHC continues to play a key role in the leadership, advocacy and streamlining efforts to increase students transferring to the university for our region.