EOPS Holiday Party-九州体育平台入口
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Publish Date: Jan. 30, 2023

Crafton Hills College hosted a holiday celebration for EOPS and CalWORKs students and their families on December 16.

The CHC Psychology Club, EOPS and CalWORKs programs presented families with over 200 gifts during this annual holiday party. The wrapped gifts and gift cards allow Crafton parenting students the opportunity to fulfill their children’s holiday wishes without having to use scarce money needed to buy food and pay for educational needs.

The Psychology Club students and advisor Dr. Diane Pfahler oversaw arts and crafts tables where the children gleefully made Christmas tree ornaments and holiday wreaths. The children ranged in age from newborns to teens. The teens were too cool for the arts and crafts but not too cool to show appreciation and gratitude when presented with their gift cards.

CHC Dean of Student Equity and Success Dr. Ivan Peña was on hand to help EOPS coordinators, counselors, and technicians serve all attendees a hearty meal.

After, the families were excited to get in line so that the children could receive their presents from Santa and his helpers. Earlier in the semester, the students from EOPS and CalWORKs were asked to provide a list of items that their children may like to receive as a gift. At least one of these items was purchased for each student’s child so that they would receive something they would like.

Students shared how much they enjoyed the event and how it felt like a fun family gathering. Social activities like these that engage students and their families highlight what a warm and supportive community Crafton Hills College really is.